Interactive & Networked Robotics Laboratory
We strive to come up with rigorous solutions for practical problems by broadly applying the principles of dynamics and controls for such areas as: 1) aerial robotics; 2) haptics/VR; 3) physics simulation; and 4) industrial control applications.
Laboratory for Autonomous Robotics Research
Our laboratory is with the Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea. Our interdisciplinary research focuses on sensing, learning, control and decision making algorithms with applications ranging from ground to flying robots. We have – 5 papers accepted to ICRA 2021 (including 2 RA-L papers), and – 5 papers accepted […]
Wearable Robotics Laboratory
Our primary research objective is to enhance the health, mobility, and independence of individuals with physical disabilities, as well as to improve human performance using wearable robots and movement science technology. We delve into a spectrum of topics, spanning from the biomechanics of human movement to the development of exoskeletons/exosuits […]
Healthcare Robotics Laboratory
The HeRo Lab will focus on developing actuators, sensors, systems, and mechanisms to advance healthcare technologies in surgery, treatment, and rehabilitation. Our mission is to find robotic and mechanical solutions that will be heroes in the medical field.
Robot Vision Lab
In the Robot Vision Lab, we conduct various research on 3D modeling, object recognition and tracking, real-time 3D sensing, and sensor fusion to apply computer vision and machine learning technologies to robots and autonomous devices, with a focus on Visual SLAM, large-scale 3D modeling, and visual tracking.
Biorobotics Laboratory
Welcome to the SNU Biorobotics Laboratory. Since the fall of 2008, SNU Biorobotics lab has been developing soft biologically inspired mechanisms and robots especially with the goal of developing innovative ways of creating motion without rigid joints and rigid links for life-like robots. Biology has lots of inspiration for creating […]
Soft Robotics & Bionics Laboratory
Our research goal is to analyze the design and dynamics of biological systems and transform them into robotic/mechatronic systems for human life. We are interested in bio-inspired design of soft robots and development of novel manufacturing methods for multi-material smart structures.
Robotics Laboratory
Our current research activities are focused on (i) robot modeling, identification, and control; (ii) grasping, manipulation, and motion planning; (iii) robot learning; (iv) machine learning and mathematical data science
Dynamic Robotic Systems Laboratory
The FUTURE application of robotics will involve more complicated and complex robots operating in natural human environment. This requires more advanced technologies than those found in traditional robotics, especially in robot-environment interaction.
Robot Learning Laboratory
ex) The goal of this project is to develop efficient, safe, and socially friendly machine learning so that autonomous robots can coexist with people in various environments. In this project, we develop socially friendly robot learning technology that enables efficient reinforcement learning with fewer data and ensures safety. The developed […]
Robust Perception and Mobile Robotics Lab
Robust Perception and Mobile Robotics Lab (RPM Robotics Lab) focuses on perceptual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Main research interest and detailed robotics topics include perception-based environment mapping, intelligent sensor fusion, decision making and control of the robotic agents, robotic operation, and navigation in GPS-denied environments (e.g., underwater, urban, and […]
3D Vision Lab
We sense, model, and understand the geometric structure around us. The geometric structure stems from the physical space we live in, and we utilize the information to better combine knowledge and embed technology within the relationship between objects and humans. To do this, we adapt the state-of-the-art techniques from computer […]