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Research Groups

Interactive & Networked Robotics Laboratory

We strive to come up with rigorous solutions for practical problems by broadly applying the principles of dynamics and controls for such areas as: 1) aerial robotics; 2) haptics/VR; 3) physics simulation; and 4) industrial control applications.

Laboratory for Autonomous Robotics Research

Our laboratory is with the Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea. Our interdisciplinary research focuses on sensing, learning, control and decision making algorithms with applications ranging from ground to flying robots. We have – 5 papers accepted to ICRA 2021 (including 2 RA-L papers), and – 5 papers accepted […]

Wearable Robotics Laboratory

Our primary research objective is to enhance the health, mobility, and independence of individuals with physical disabilities, as well as to improve human performance using wearable robots and movement science technology. We delve into a spectrum of topics, spanning from the biomechanics of human movement to the development of exoskeletons/exosuits […]

Healthcare Robotics Laboratory

The HeRo Lab will focus on developing actuators, sensors, systems, and mechanisms to advance healthcare technologies in surgery, treatment, and rehabilitation. Our mission is to find robotic and mechanical solutions that will be heroes in the medical field.

Robot Vision Lab

In the Robot Vision Lab, we conduct various research on 3D modeling, object recognition and tracking, real-time 3D sensing, and sensor fusion to apply computer vision and machine learning technologies to robots and autonomous devices, with a focus on Visual SLAM, large-scale 3D modeling, and visual tracking.

Biorobotics Laboratory

Welcome to the SNU Biorobotics Laboratory. Since the fall of 2008, SNU Biorobotics lab has been developing soft biologically inspired mechanisms and robots especially with the goal of developing innovative ways of creating motion without rigid joints and rigid links for life-like robots. Biology has lots of inspiration for creating […]

Soft Robotics & Bionics Laboratory

Our research goal is to analyze the design and dynamics of biological systems and transform them into robotic/mechatronic systems for human life. We are interested in bio-inspired design of soft robots and development of novel manufacturing methods for multi-material smart structures.

Robotics Laboratory

Our current research activities are focused on (i) robot modeling, identification, and control; (ii) grasping, manipulation, and motion planning; (iii) robot learning; (iv) machine learning and mathematical data science

Dynamic Robotic Systems Laboratory

The FUTURE application of robotics will involve more complicated and complex robots operating in natural human environment. This requires more advanced technologies than those found in traditional robotics, especially in robot-environment interaction.

Robot Learning Laboratory

ex) The goal of this project is to develop efficient, safe, and socially friendly machine learning so that autonomous robots can coexist with people in various environments. In this project, we develop socially friendly robot learning technology that enables efficient reinforcement learning with fewer data and ensures safety. The developed […]

Robust Perception and Mobile Robotics Lab

Robust Perception and Mobile Robotics Lab (RPM Robotics Lab) focuses on perceptual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Main research interest and detailed robotics topics include perception-based environment mapping, intelligent sensor fusion, decision making and control of the robotic agents, robotic operation, and navigation in GPS-denied environments (e.g., underwater, urban, and […]

3D Vision Lab

We sense, model, and understand the geometric structure around us. The geometric structure stems from the physical space we live in, and we utilize the information to better combine knowledge and embed technology within the relationship between objects and humans. To do this, we adapt the state-of-the-art techniques from computer […]


Yong-Lae Park 박용래
Yong-Lae Park / 박용래
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-4164
meeting_room Building 301, Room 1501

Jongwoo Lim 임종우
Jongwoo Lim / 임종우
Department of Mechanical Engineering Seoul National University
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-1639 print +82-2-880-1513
meeting_room Building , Room 1402

Amy Kyungwon Han 한경원
Amy Kyungwon Han / 한경원
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-1649
meeting_room Building , Room 1406

Young Min Kim 김영민
Young Min Kim / 김영민
Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-7277
meeting_room Building , Room 903

Ayoung Kim 김아영
Ayoung Kim / 김아영
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-1669
meeting_room Building 301, Room 1515

Jinsoo Kim 김진수
Jinsoo Kim / 김진수
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-1823
meeting_room Building 301, Room 705

Kyujin Cho 조규진
Kyujin Cho / 조규진
Department of Mechanical Engineering
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-1679
meeting_room Building 301, Room 1401

Jaeheung Park 박재흥
Jaeheung Park / 박재흥
Graduate school of convergence science & technology
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-9595
meeting_room Building 18, Room 306

Songhwai Oh 오성회
Songhwai Oh / 오성회
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-1511
meeting_room Building 301, Room 702

Dongjun Lee 이동준
Dongjun Lee / 이동준
Department of Mechanical Engineering
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-1724
meeting_room Building 301, Room 1517

Hyounjin Kim 김현진
Hyounjin Kim / 김현진
Department of Aerospace Engineering
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-9252
meeting_room Building 301, Room 1305

Frank C. Park 박종우
Frank C. Park / 박종우
Department of Mechanical Engineering
phone_in_talk +82-2-880-7133
meeting_room Building 301, Room 1408

What's New

3D Vision Lab
Young Min Kim / 김영민

She is leading the 3D vision lab at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The 3D vision lab strives to the emerging field of 3D vision where we understand the 3D world around us.


Robot Vision Lab led by Prof. Jongwoo Lim is launching on Sep 2023 in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Seoul National University in Seoul, South Korea. Robot Vision Lab tackles computer vision problems in robotics.

Robotics Laboratory
Frank C. Park / 박종우

Are you an elite robotics student? Join us for a sponsored two-week international summer school in Denmark with other highly talented students from around the world.

Healthcare Robotics Laboratory
Amy Kyungwon Han / 한경원

Healthcare Robotics Lab (HeRo Lab) led by Prof.  Amy Kyungwon Han is officially launching in March 2022 in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Seoul National University in Seoul, South Korea. The HeRo Lab will focus on developing actuators, sensors, systems, and mechanisms to advance healthcare technologies in surgery, treatment, and […]

Our team received Best Paper Award on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles at the ICRA 2021.
Laboratory for Autonomous Robotics Research
Hyounjin Kim / 김현진
“LT-mapper” has been accepted to ICRA 2022
Robust Perception and Mobile Robotics Lab
Ayoung Kim / 김아영
Windows 7

This app was introduced by a vendor with 20+ years of experience in PC maintenance software developing. Ashampoo Driver Updater helps troubleshoot problems caused by outdated drivers. It regularly searches for new driver versions on official manufacturers’ websites in order to keep their database relevant. All drivers are being saved […]

Robot Learning Laboratory
Songhwai Oh / 오성회

1) Visually Grounding Language Instruction for History-Dependent Manipulation 2) Dynamics-Aware Metric Embedding: Metric Learning in a Latent Space for Visual Planning 3) TRC: Trust Region Conditional Value at Risk for Safe Reinforcement Learning

Interactive & Networked Robotics Laboratory
Dongjun Lee / 이동준

Our hand tracking technology based on VIST (visual-inertial skeleton tracking, SR2021) was aired via Arirang TV BizTech Korea program and also featured in their LabTubue VLOG. Youtube:

Dynamic Robotic Systems Laboratory
Jaeheung Park / 박재흥

Recently four legged robots are becoming quite robust and, therefore, can have many promising applications such as industrial surveillance. Two legged robots also have great progress toward more robust walking. However, two legged robots have an inherent stability problem due to the fact that it has only two feet. In […]

Robust Perception and Mobile Robotics Lab
Ayoung Kim / 김아영

Place recognition is a key module in robotic nav- igation. The existing line of studies mostly focuses on visual place recognition to recognize previously visited places solely based on their appearance. In this paper, we address structural place recognition by recognizing a place based on structural appearance, namely from range […]

Our paper “Underwater maneuvering of robotic sheets through buoyancy-mediated active flutter” has been published in Science Robotics.
Biorobotics Laboratory
Kyujin Cho / 조규진
Research Team Led by SNU Professor Yong-Lae Park Receives Best Conference Paper Award at the RoboSoft 2019
Soft Robotics & Bionics Laboratory
Yong-Lae Park / 박용래

SNU College of Engineering (Dean Kookheon Char) announced on 2nd that the research team led by Professor Yong-Lae Park of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering won the Best Conference Paper Award at the RoboSoft 2019 held at Coex, Seoul from April 14th to 18th. This event hosted by the Institute […]